Basic Edged.ini file

An example basic edged.ini file for ExoEdge.
To use this modify:

  • <path_to>, with the local path to the configuration files

  • <my_connector_id>, with the ID specific to the IoT Connector you are using

  • <my_device_id>, with the unique device ID to connect with

      config_io_file = <path_to>/config_io.json
      config_applications_file = <path_to>/config_applications.json
      murano_host = https://<my_connector_id>
      murano_port = 443
      watchlist = config_io,data_out,config_applications
      murano_id = <my_device_id>
      debug = CRITICAL

The original is an HTTPs example, here’s a basic MQTT example:

  config_io_file = <path_to>/config_io.json
  config_applications_file = <path_to>/config_applications.json

  murano_host = mqtts://<my_connector_id>
  murano_port = 8883
  watchlist = config_io,data_out,config_applications
  murano_id = <my_device_id>
  debug = CRITICAL