ExoSense GraphQL API - Automated Asset Creation

ExoSense GraphQL API - Automated Asset Creation

The following tutorial will guide you through the process of claiming a Device and creating a new Asset using the ExoSense GraphQL API. Understanding of the API will enable you to take advantage of more advanced features in ExoSense, such as creating your own custom application to automate the Device claiming/Asset creation process as new Devices come online.
This guide is designed to be a simple example of a more general, higher level use case. To inquire about how to apply this information to a more specific Solution for your own needs, or have any other questions in regards to this walkthrough, please open a support ticket by emailing support@exosite.com.

This guide will assume that you have the following pieces of information available:

ExoSense Identifier GraphQL Identifier
IoT Connector ID {ConnectorID}
Device Identity {DeviceID}
Parent/Root Group ID {RootID}
Asset Template Name {TemplateName}

Get Group ID and Claim Device

Identify Target Group

The first step will be to claim your device to the desired target Group. While there are multiple ways to achieve this, we will utilize the getGroup guery and the root group ID to find the Target Group ID ({TargetGroupID}). (NOTE: If the target group exists further down the hierarchy, you can use getGroup to iterate through the group structure until you find the target group)

Alternatively, you can use the searchForGroup query if you know your target group’s name.


query getGroup($filters: GroupFilters) {
  groups(filters: $filters) {


  "filters": {
    "group_id": "{RootID}"


  "data": {
    "groups": [{
      "children": [
          "name": "Example Group 1",
          "id": "fji72fg8-a43b-4812-ac37-6hg678651c"
          "name": "Example Group 2",
          "id": "ddfg4a9-2e87-4bkj-ad2e-lk345b4070c"
          "name": "Example Group 3",
          "id": "df0ju6f9-b33c-4872-8011-72c9481sf732"
      "name": "Home",
      "id": "f67j4dec-a59f-454a-a12f-0df6184gdds8"

Claim Device to Target Group

The updateDevices mutation can be used in conjunction with the Target Group ID, IoT Connector ID, and the Device ID to claim the device into the desired group. In the id variable field, use the format {ConnectorID}.{DeviceID}. For example, if your Connector ID is 12345, and your Device ID is abcde, you would input 12345.abcde.


mutation updateDevices($devices: [DevicesUpdateInput]) {
  updateDevices(devices: $devices) {


  "devices": [{
    "id": "{ConnectorID}.{DeviceID}",
    "group_id": "{TargetGroupID}"


  "data": {
    "updateDevices": [
        "__typename": "Device",
        "id": "b3b2uii84fds00000.ExampleDevice"


At this point, you should not proceed until the Device has a valid config_io set. To learn more about the config_io, check out our ExoSense Data IO Schema Documentation.

Create a New Asset From a Template

The createAssetFromT mutation can be used to build a new Asset from a pre-defined Asset Template. However, there are 3 additional steps required before we run the mutation:

  1. Identify the Template
  2. Query for the Template Definition
  3. Map the Channels from Template to Device

Identify Template

One method to obtain the Template ID ({TemplateID}) is to use the search query, which allows us to search for the Template by name ({TemplateName}) using the text filter variable. Any Element (Asset, Device, Template etc…) whose name contains the text field input will be returned along with their ID and type.
If necessary, the type field can be used isolate the Template object and retrieve it’s ID.

Another possible approach is to use the Templates2 query, which will return an object containing all Templates available within your Instance.


query search($filters: SearchFilters!) {
  search(filters: $filters) {
    results {


  "filters": {
    "text": "{TemplateName}"


  "data": {
    "search": {
      "results": [
          "type": "Template",
          "name": "Example Template 1",
          "id": "o3ort5ed-345f-4142-9yh3-51543e982568"

Query for the Template Definition

Now we need to query for the Template’s definition, which contains information necessary to complete the next step. Using the previously identified Template ID in the id variable field, the template2VersionYAML query will return the Template definition YAML.


query template2VersionYAML($id: ID!) {
  template2VersionYAML(id: $id) 


  "id": "{TemplateID}"


  "data": {
    "template2VersionYAML": "{TemplateDefinition}"

Map Channels from the Device to the Template

Before creating the Asset, we need to define how the channel/s from your Device are mapped to the Signal/s that will be created. Focusing on the signals section contained within the Template Definition will provide the necessary Signal Linkage IDs ({SignalLinkID}).

    id: a65hjuc5-db41-4304-bcdc-cd89567909
    name: Example Template 1
    description: An Example Template
      icon: icon-asset-store
  linkages: {}
      name: Temperature
      type: NUMBER
      units: DEG_FAHRENHEIT
      visualize: true
      root: true
      record: true
      displayFormat: leading
      name: Alarm 1
      type: BOOLEAN
      units: null
      visualize: true
      root: true
      record: true
      displayFormat: leading

For the example above, there are 2 Signals which will be created upon applying the Template. For each of these signals, note the Signal linkage ID :

  1. temperature_s
  2. alarm1_s

Channel-to-Signal mapping is defined in the variable channelMapping[] section of the createAssetFromT mutation. Each Signal will need to be mapped to a Channel from the new Device by inputing the Signal Linkage ID in the from field. To define the to field, the following elements are required:

  1. IoT Connector ID
  2. Device ID
  3. Channel ID

Putting everything together, each entry in the channelMapping list is defined as follows:

"channelMapping": [
    "from": "{SignalLinkID}",
    "to": "{connectorID}.{DeviceID}.data_in.{ChannelID}"

Create Asset From Template

Using the information we have found in the following steps, the createAssetFromT mutation is used to create a new Asset from the Template.


mutation createAssetFromT($newAsset: Asset2Create,$templateId: ID,$group_id: ID!,$channelMapping: [ChannelMapping]) {
  createAssetFromT(newAsset: $newAsset, templateId: $templateId, group_id: $group_id, channelMapping: $channelMapping) {


  "newAsset": {
    "description": "My New Asset",
    "name": "New Asset"
  "templateId": "d1d255ed-394f-4142-9df3-51543e890158",
  "group_id": "18bbc821-580f-4597-b456-5e05b7432904",
  "channelMapping" : [
      "from": "{SignalLinkID1}",
      "to": "{connectorID}.{DeviceID}.data_in.{ChannelID1}"
      "from": "{SignalLinkID2}",
      "to": "{connectorID}.{DeviceID}.data_in.{ChannelID2}"


	"data": {
		"createAssetFromT": {
			"description": "My New Asset",
			"name": "New Asset",
			"id": "54720dae-5df8-4337-ade0-93e2c2f62f6c"